Wendy Ward
Dublin, Ireland
Weight Lost - 26lbs
Hi, The first time I heard about bodyslims was last September when some off my friends had decided to sign up. I was intrigued to find out what is was all about and if it worked. Like everyone else I tried all the other weight loss programs and the usual happened I would lose a few lbs and then gain them back and was stuck in the vicious cycle and just ended up giving up. So I was very sceptical.
I was a little overweight before Covid hit but then put on another stone due to the stress of lockdown and homeschooling which also led to drinking a lot more alcohol and comfort eating over that time. And of course after Covid I just thought life is for living so the eating and drinking didn’t stop.
I knew I had to take control before it really got out of hand. So when I saw the results my friends where getting through the September course I was so inspired I decided to sign up for the January program.
To say it has changed my life is an understatement. I am 54years old I feel 20 years younger, over the past 10 weeks I have not only lost 26lbs but I managed to stop drinking alcohol which was so huge for me and also learned to control the comfort eating. I have so much energy and a new lease of life. Bodyslims gives you so much more than weight loss.
If your on the fence about signing up. all I can tell you is just do it, you won’t look back, it’s a game changer. Give it your full commitment 100% do what Ger tells you to do when he tells you to do it. It really is so simple but not easy. It will change your life and you won’t regret it. Thank you so much Ger, Sharon, Carla and all the team. You have given me that million dollar feeling I can’t thank you enough. 

Wendy Ward
