Shirley Finnegan
Kells Co Meath
Weight Lost - 63lbs
Hello all at BodySlims
I would be so honoured to be included in the BodySlims testimonials. Bodyslims has changed my life both physically and mentally

I am a mom of 2 beautiful children and a Very Supportive Husband David from Kilmainhamwood, Kells, Co Meath, I'm 5ft 3" on a good day and I work 2 Part-Time Jobs as our local Parish Administrator and Bar-Tender in my local Pub (Keogan's) I will be 50 years young in September 2022 and will look better that I've looked in the past 20 years all thanks to BodySlims.
I lost 63lbs ( 4 and half stone) in 5 months with 2 BodySlim Programmes. The Best decision I ever made. 2 and half stone on the 1st BodySlims Programme and 2 stone on the 2nd BodySlims Programme, 63lbs in Total. The inches I lost all over my body are life changing both Physically and Mentally. I didn't even recognise myself in the mirror.
I've done every diet there is out there and to me BodySlims is not a Diet but a life choice, everything in moderation. I still use the BodySlims method, and enjoy my 1hr walks.
I hated what I seen in the mirror, I had such low self esteem and No Confidence at all, but hid it well. I stopped going out Socially and basically hid from the world, along came Covid and I'd gained even more weight and in December 2020, I seen an Advert on Facebook and googled BodySlims, I read the Testimonials, a few caught my eye, but the one story that stood out to me was Carla Piera, (half of Carla on Instagram). I then decided to sign myself up for the January 2021 BodySlims Programme, what could I lose, we were on Lockdown which made it easier as Nothing was opened and plenty of time on my hands.
It was faith that led me to the BodySlims Programme, and I'm so Grateful for Gerard and all the BodySlims Team for changing my life and mindset. I love shopping for clothes and enjoy getting ready to meet family and friends for days/nights out now.
I 100% Recommend the BodySlims Programme and I think all GP Practices should be using Gerard's method. All you need to do is Listen and Do Exactly what Gerard says to do and when to do it, and you will see the results fast.
And yes I walked 1 hour, 7 days a week with the support of my beautiful friend (Dolores Cunningham thank you) for both programs and ate clean health food, I was never hungry.
Thank you Gerard and the BodySlims Team for changing my life for the better. I hope my Testimonial will help even one person to change their life for the better like Carla's done for me.
A forever grateful lifetime BodySlims member
Shirley Finnegan
