Hi Gerard I am delighted I took on this challenge, I love the structure of it all. Here are my before and after photos. Thank you so much for everything so far, I'm not finished yet!!! 43lbs down since I started and I'm delighted. See you in September Regards Irene Murphy

43 lbs
3 St 1 lb

I’m still convinced Ger is a wizard of some kind, weaving Celtic magic through his daily messages during the program. My brain is still playing catching up to the dramatic changes I’ve made to my body and lifestyle. After completing two cycles of BodySlims, I am just 6 lbs away from my Dare to Dream weight goal.

54 lbs

So the 10 weeks are up. I’m absolutely delighted with my progress after the 10 weeks. Although it’s only half way in my journey.

3st 10lbs
In June 2023 I was at my lowest point. I had debilitating plantar fasciitis and IBS. I also suffered from acid reflux, allergies, frequent colds, infections and chronic joint and muscle pain. I frequently injured myself when I did try to exercise. These issues were painful, embarrassing and ~expensive~. They took an emotional toll and I felt out of control of the situation. I tried various doctors, therapies, medications and equipment to help with these issues but nothing worked. I felt anxious and depressed and had my own “shitty stories” for why I couldn’t lose weight: Motherhood, Genetics, Trauma and Society were all to blame. I could look around and compare myself to other moms and I wasn’t the heaviest.

56.4 lbs

This is my 2nd course and I’m down 63lbs so far so delighted with life. I’ll attach a little progress pic, I had a wedding last week and felt amazing 💗


To everyone at Body Slims This has been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself both physically and mentally. I’m in such a happier/better place not only because I’ve lost weight but because I did this for myself. I put bodyslims at the front of my mind everyday and I’m really proud of myself for that. 2 cycles down and only 5lbs off my dare to dream weight!!

38 lbs

I’m only half way to my target. But I’d reason to dress up last weekend as I was away. Therefore please see my before & after pics attached. First is from August when I was over 11 stone. The other is from last weekend when I’m just under 10 stone.


I cannot thank Bodyslims enough, not only has my shape changed so has my mind and my relationship with food.

56 lbs
4 st
Hi there, my name is Derek, originally from Kildare but now living in New York for the last 28 years. Due to work and laziness I suppose, my weight just went up and up and before I knew it, I lost control and I could not see a way back. I had Type 2 diabetes and was on a pill for all the usual suspects, cholesterol and blood pressure. I wore this taking of the pills, like it was a badge of honor and never minded, because if something was wrong you could just get a tablet for it. Then a guardian angel told me about this fella, Gerard Moran and a programme of his,(guardian angel being my sister in law, Joan Casey a Bodyslims veteran).

62 lbs
4 st 6 lbs

If I can do it anyone can. Thanks to Gerard and all the team God bless you and I will keep you in my Thanksgiving prayers. I have always strove not to be a victim but you have made me realise I am a victor. May the Christ child be with you at Christmas and always. As I face into my 77 year happy and healthy and bringing back SEXY

61.4 lbs

Before I started bodyslims in January I was in the worst shape of my life, feeling terrible about myself and struggling mentally. In 70 days not only have I lost 2 stone 11lb but l've learned so much about myself. I didn’t have any alcohol at all for 70 days, which some of you will recognise as a massive achievement in itself.

38.6 lbs

Well here I am, 3rd course under my belt, a much looser belt than at the start of 2023. What an amazing year I have had. I found out about BS from a parenting forum, the more I read about it the more I knew this would work for me. I spoke to my cousin in New Zealand, who had weight to lose too. She listened to one of Ger's lives and said, yeah I am in.


The skills Gerard taught me have been totally transferable to other parts of my life.

77.8 lbs
5st 7lbs
Looking at my progress pics I think my face says it all.... to say I was profoundly unhappy with my shape at the beginning of my 10 week life changing bodyslims journey doesn't cut it...like most folks I had the crappy stories I told myself that got me into the size I was at the beginning- I was fooling no-one but myself. Like many others I too had tried different programs and just didn't seem to follow through. So what was different this time? I hear you ask ....the bodyslims secret sauce ...for me it was the talks, the support and the head stuff, it came precisely when it was needed.


I want everyone to know about BodySlims and how amazing it is....

31 lbs
2st 3lbs

If you want to do 1 small thing for yourself! Do this! If you aren’t sure, do this! This was the first ever time I prioritised myself & my health. I had some serious mum guilt taking 1 hour a day out for myself! Best thing I’ve ever done for myself and now for my family.


Hello again Gerard, Sharon and the Bodyslims team! Having previously shown you my progress just 8 weeks into the programme (on the April - July ‘22 programme, when I had lost 16.8lbs) I signed up again this January and I have now lost a total of 29lbs.

29 lbs

Here are my photos...the "Before" was on March 31, 2024. My first round of BodySlims began a few weeks later. The "After" pic was taken 2 days ago, 11/9/24. I was hoping to lose another stone doing this 2nd round of the programme, and I have already lost it!

35.8 lbs

The first time I heard about bodyslims was last September when some off my friends had decided to sign up. I was intrigued to find out what is was all about and if it worked. Like everyone else I tried all the other weight loss programs and the usual happened I would lose a few lbs and then gain them back and was stuck in the vicious cycle and just ended up giving up. So I was very sceptical. I was a little overweight before Covid hit but then put on another stone due to the stress of lockdown and homeschooling which also led to drinking a lot more alcohol and comfort eating over that time. And of course after Covid I just thought life is for living so the eating and drinking didn’t stop.


I have just reached my dare to dream goal and I want to say thank you for transforming my life. I have lost 72 pounds and I am a different person. I feel great, have little or no pain and have so much more energy. You have changed my whole mindset regarding food and wellbeing.

72 lbs

I’m finally getting to write this story. I was definitely on the slow train, I started in 2020 extremely overweight and practically immobile. I had gone through a very difficult period where I lost both my parents within 5 months and I could hardly walk with the pain in my legs.


Hi Ger and Sharon! I put off doing my dress up night at the end of the last program as I was adamant that I get to my dare to dream goal before I celebrate.
Hi all, So I delayed my dress up night a week as I was going to a wedding. A year ago I went to a wedding and loved the outfit, but didn’t like how I looked. The same outfit….a year apart, three BodySlims programmes and 50lb down. This wedding was the video playing in my head …..I imagined what I would look like, how I would feel and what people would say……it was everything I imagined and more.

50 lbs

I've been threatening to write an email for months now, I've only ever shared details with my wife before but given a couple of notable things over the last couple of weeks, she gave me the kick up the backside I needed to get over myself and just send it. I've taken a huge amount of inspiration from other people sharing their progress on testimonials and social media so hopefully this can do the same for someone.


This is my 3rd cycle of BodySlims and I’m down 80lbs since the end of September!. I’m finally within normal bmi and haven’t been this weight since high school. I could not be happier and Ger is right in that it feels brilliant and every day I get my present! A huge thank you to Ger, Sharon, Carla, the BodySlims team and the 80 friends doing the program with me and supporting each other!! Life changing and I’m forever grateful!!

80 lbs

Took the plunge and joined bodyslims in January 2023 as I really needed to lose weight due to severe pain in my knee. (I have Osteoarthritis. You can see how swollen the right knee is on the photo on the left) My doctor recommended Bodyslims, and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.


My only regret is not joining sooner. The program is educational, inspiring and it truly works if you're willing to be guided through it. I started with an open mind and very quickly I was motivated, inspired and seeing results! I joined after hearing success stories from a few people I knew who had done well on it and seeing Carol's skinny legs from all the walking!! I lost 38lbs in the first 10 week cycle, 8lbs over the 7 week Christmas break and 24lbs so far on cycle 2. A total of 70lbs or 5 stone...... in just 6 months!


I just want to say thank you for the most amazing weight loss programme. I've done EVERY DIET known to man...and have been on a constant diet it feels since a very young age. This is the first time I've lost weight while actually eating normally. I'm feeling fantastic.


I joined Bodyslims in January 2017 based upon results I’d seen from people in work and mutual friends. To be honest I didn’t have much hope for myself as I’d always struggled with weight loss and sticking to a certain plan.

70 lbs
5st 0lbs

I’ve been trying to decide whether or not to do this but if it helps others I'm all for it. The person on the right is me at 185lbs in Dec 2021. My Father passed away in September and I just didn't care about what I was eating. I was on a downward spiral. My friend told me about Bodyslims and I didn't really have full faith in it as I had exercised all my life and had tried the usual weight loss plans. I had lost weight before but never to the full potential I realised with Bodyslims.

44 lbs

I made a decision to try BodySlims in January 2020. I can honestly say, it is one of the top two most impactful decisions I've ever made in my life

183 lbs
13 st 1 lbs
I tried on a dress tonight while doing the clothes clear out .. a dress that I wore to a ball a month before we got married and I fitted into it tonight ! I can honestly BS has totally changed me as a person for the better. This time last year I felt completely broken after mum died and settled for my frumpy mammy look too, I was exhausted all the time. Thanks to you and Ger, I stopped making excuses and started showing up for myself.

28 lbs

Here is the Proof that Bodyslims works if you work it. Turned 70 in the middle of the program and even having been away for a few nights continued to work the program. Feel years younger and told I look it as well. Thank you for your support throughout.

34.8 lbs

2 rounds, 36lbs, about 600 walked miles, 2 pairs of runners, a ton of sweat and a completely different mindset is what separates these two pictures and I couldn't be any happier or grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this amazing program!! It has truly changed my life xx

36.6 lbs

I started my Bodyslims journey in April 2024, (a week and a half before my brother's wedding! And even after only this short length of time, people were saying I looked amazing and noticed a change in me. I was 7lb down at this point and this really strengthened my resolve to push on.) I decided to give Bodyslims a go because my boyfriend's Mam had started it in January 2024 and even though I felt at the time that I should do it with her, I didn't actually sign up until I saw the effect it had on her in March when she was 2 stone down.

42 lbs

Hi Gerard, Sharon, Carla, Sean and all the amazing Bodyslims team, I can't begin to tell you how much I have changed since January 2024 - my first Bodyslims programme. I signed up after hearing through the grapevine of my mam's friends who had amazing success, but I was hard pushed to believe that I would achieve the same goals. I set out to lose weight, but I have done so much more. My mindset has shifted to one of positivity and looking to the future, and I have an attitude of gratitude.

45 lbs

I can't believe the 2nd programme is over. It has been a complete roller-coaster. I almost made it to my Dare to Dream, could and should have got there but THE ID won over a fair few times in the last couple of weeks. Very conscious that this could sound like a "shitty story", and quite honestly it is a shitty situation, but is very real. Home life a disaster area, divorce process in full flow, future home unknown. Wish I had a magic fast forward button, whatever the outcome at this stage. I really believe that being part of Bodyslims has kept me sane.

50.6 lbs

Lots of people I meet after seeing my weightloss have questions on what Bodyslims is, what they can eat, what they have to do for exercise and all I can tell people is don’t think just book it now and do it, you won’t regret ever starting.

88 lbs

As we approach the end of the September program, I wanted to send you some progress photos, and say a big THANK YOU to all of you. And the biggest thanks to Carla for inspiring me to sign up! Her story is so similar to my own, and I thought, "She's just like me! And if she can do it, I can do it."

26 lbs

I’ve lost weight in the past but this is different, it’s the head stuff, changing your mindset. Choosing nutritious foods and really enjoying them, I love bodyslims and the way I now feel. I’ve lost 73lbs, gone from a size 18/20 to a size 12 never will I gain that weight back, this is me for the rest of my life. Thank you Gerard and team BodySlims.

73 lbs

I used to hate upcoming events, hate having to leave the house, having to dress up and not just stay in those XL/XXL pjs. I dreaded it all to say the least. Fast forward 8 months with consistency, hard work, trust in the process, the programme, motivational videos, everything in between and all the other bodyslimmers support, guidance & advice, I am now down 3 sizes, size XL to a size M in clothes & 59lbs down in total.

39 lbs

This picture on the Right was taken last Christmas and the one on the left was taken this morning !! I received my stone badge which is my second one from bodyslims as I did the summer programe & released over 20 pounds !!

59 lbs

I decided that I would do a 4th round in September and nip the weight I gained in the bud and get back to my D2D goal weight again. I am confident and know how to maintain as I've been practicing and doing the program now since last year and on the program for the 4th time now!


I started BodySlims a year ago in September 2023. Dearest Sweet Carla (Half of Carla) introduced me via YouTube to the answer to my prayers! I had tried it all, and I surrendered to BodySlims and found THE ANSWER to my prayers!! I am starting Round 4 for my Dare to Dream Goal and am very excited and, I have to admit, a bit nervous!

43.4 lbs

Replace Self-criticism with Self-Compassion, you wouldn’t speak to others the way you speak to yourself so change your inner talk NOW! Be perfect with your imperfections, though most importantly recognise YOU deserve this so make the time. I don’t always find this easy with 2 small, beautiful children and full-time job though trust me your family & job will benefit in the long run to have a happier, healthier you.

57 lbs

The picture on the right is me before body slims. The picture on the left is me 3 stone lighter and 4 dress sizes smaller all thanks to body slims. The first dress I tried didn’t even fit wouldn’t close and after body slims I went back and this very dress that wouldn’t close was too big and I had to order a size smaller

42 lbs

I just want to send a note to thank Ger amd the Bodyslims team for helping me to transform my life. I learned so much along my journey with Bodyslims, mind and body. I have lost 5 stone. Went from a size 22 to a size 12/14. I feel like a new person.

53 lbs

I started the program twice and abandoned twice. I had very rational explanations as to why: work, travel, commitments… but the truth was that like Daisy I was scared of what would happen if I tried and failed. But Ger’s words stuck with me, and a year ago, I finally admitted to myself that I had reached “super bad”. I had progressively gained weight over 12 years, one brick at a time, and was well on track to becoming morbidly obese by year-end. I was constantly tired and unwell, and I was slowly but surely cutting myself off from friends and family.

82 lbs
82 lbs

I sent in one of these recently when I hit the 100lb lost milestone. But surely we can't have enough side by sides! I hope my journey so far can inspire others particularly those who might be starting in the morbidly obese category. So here are at the end of my 3rd cycle of Bodyslims, I've now lost 112lbs or 8 stone on the dot since I started in September 2023.

112 lbs

Fix the head and the ass will follow!! Never has 8 words made such an impact. 40.5 pounds in 10 weeks (half pound off of 3 stone and 20% of my start weigh) THANK YOU Ger, Sharon and Carla for helping me feel like me again. I wasn't going to post this but I've been inspired by one lady's story and I hope someone gets something from mine.

41.5 lbs

Steaming through my second round and although delighted to receive my 1st loss badge today, I’m actually more than 3st down. I was picking up some items today and the sales girls asked me how I’d lost so much weight - half an hour later 2 converts ready to sign up.

46 lbs

I started Bodyslims in September 2023 filled with trepidation and hoping that it would help me simply lose a few pounds. I had gained quite a lot of weight over the last few years and was feeling uncomfortable in my skin, constantly tired and just worn out by it all.

56 lbs

I started Bodyslims January 2024. I knew I needed to do something, but I didn't know what. I saw bodyslims on social media, I looked at the website and read the wonderful success stories, I thought this could be too good to be true, but thought it's worth a try. To say I'm delighted with that decision is the biggest understatement ever.

67 lbs

Firstly a huge thank you to you and your team for all the inspiration in helping me on my journey that I've been desperate for, for more years than I can remember. I'm attaching before and after pics following my 65.5lb weight loss.

65.5 lbs

I started my journey in September 2022, I was at my lowest, my weight was sky rocketing and my health was seriously deteriorating, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, pre diabetes and a very troublesome gall bladder. Having suffered for years unbeknown to myself with peri menopause I had stared my HRT and was feeling a little more level and able to tackle 'myself'.

92.5 lbs

My enthusiasm for Bodyslims resulted in me "persuading" seven friends into doing it, they in turn "persuaded" their friends and family with life changing results for all of us. One friend in particular and I have lost over 10 stone just between the two of us - more than I weigh now, imagine that, an entire person. During this year I completed my training to become a family celebrant and had the honour of being asked to marry two fabulous friends of mine (the bride did Bodyslims too) in France.

79.4 lbs

My weight was impacting my mental health and my overall general health. I was overweight because I made poor diet choices and didn't exercise I didn't live a healthy lifestyle.I had not made time for myself and I was putting everyone else in front of me.I found this program and after talking to Carla. She said to me "invest in yourself, you won't regret it". When she said those words, I instantly joined the program. Don't get me wrong I was so scared I would fail and didn’t want to be that person that did. I had tried all the other diets and programs.I was on the fence thinking to myself how can this program help you lose this large quantity of weight. I trusted the process and surrendered to the program and it worked.


started my journey back in September 2022, when a friend told me to check out this incredible woman and her story on Instagram - Half of Carla. Carla's story was so inspiring and set a fire in my belly to change my ways and get back control of my life. I signed up to Bodyslims that same day after seeing it helped Carla to lose the weight. When I first embarked on this journey, I saw it simply as a means to lose weight. Little did I know that it would evolve into something so much more—a catalyst for holistic change that has touched every aspect of my life.


I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me realise that I can change my story, my mindset and my life. After a chat with my GP last year and asking her about weightloss injection (which I decided against) she sent me a link to Bodyslims as some of her patients were very successful on the program. I had a look and watched stories like Carla's, but I was still hesitant. The following week was my sons graduation and another milestone that was plagued by negative thoughts, nothing to wear, feeling ashamed of my body, the list goes on.


I just want to attach a little before and after! The first is my first day of this cycle of BodySlims and the second was taken the day the cycle officially ended. To say I am floored by the results is an understatement! BodySlims truly is such a life changing program. The biggest of thank you's to you, Sharon and your wonderful team for making it everything that it is.
