Kate Massey
Weight Lost - 20 lbs
Good evening Gerard,
I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for this programme!
I have been trying to loose my Leaving Cert weight gain for nearly 4 years and in the space of 8 weeks I’m the smallest I’ve ever been!
I cannot express how happy I felt being able to buy a size 10 pair of jeans for the first time in 5 years!
The following before photo is really the photo that made me realise I needed to make a change or else I would never loose the excess weight! Still a few pounds to go until I reach my target but I can honestly say I am happier then I have ever been in my own body and it’s all thanks to you!
I am happy for you to use my photos to spread the word about BodySlims because this programme really changes lives!!
Thank you!

20 lbs
1 st 6 lbs