Caitlin Roberts

Shrewsbury, United Kingdom

Weight Lost - 112 lbs

Hi Bodyslims team!
I sent in one of these recently when I hit the 100lb lost milestone. But surely we can't have enough side by sides! I hope my journey so far can inspire others particularly those who might be starting in the morbidly obese category. So here are at the end of my 3rd cycle of Bodyslims, I've now lost 112lbs or 8 stone on the dot since I started in September 2023.
3 cycles, a bit of weight loss in between them, lots of hard work and support from the wonderful Bodyslims team and Instagram community - and I'm a changed person outside - and inside.
Ready to smash some new goals: get to 150lbs total loss and UK dress size 12 - or thereabouts. I hope to achieve this by the end of the year.
I'll be back for my 4th round of the programme in September - see ya then!
Caitlin Roberts, Shrewsbury

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112 lbs


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