Anne Smith
Wicklow, Ireland
Weight Lost - 50.6 lbs
Dear Ger, Carla and gang
I can't believe the 2nd programme is over. It has been a complete roller-coaster. I almost made it to my Dare to Dream, could and should have got there but THE ID won over a fair few times in the last couple of weeks. Very conscious that this could sound like a "shitty story", and quite honestly it is a shitty situation, but is very real. Home life a disaster area, divorce process in full flow, future home unknown. Wish I had a magic fast forward button, whatever the outcome at this stage. I really believe that being part of Bodyslims has kept me sane. I lived for my daily walk. The 5 minutes gratitude and 5 minutes visualisation was very tough some days. It seemed that everything I should be grateful for had a sting at the end of the tail, like "I am so grateful for my lovely home, neighbours" but then the negative thoughts would jump in like " but for how much longer will I have this". However, the more I walked, the more I listened to the seminars, Carla, the fantastic team talks, the better I became at switching off the negative and finding the positive. The gift of being fit enough, and healthy enough, to get out walking every day became my driving force. We were quite lucky with the weather over the 10 weeks, but even on those wet, miserable days I walked, I loved it.
Anyway, my own fault I didn't reach my target, but I will get there. In fact, as you said a few times, I realise I need to set a new Dare to Dream target. I will be back in January. Saw there were places available yesterday. I just need to get my daughter on board. Laragh completed her second programme on Wednesday too. Sadly it didn't go well for her, she seemed to get one infection after another, wasn't able to walk at all, but still lost 10 lbs. I am really proud of her. She lost almost 2 stone on the first programme, so she can do it. I have lost over 50 lbs between the two programmes.
I am very conscious that this is a rambling, slightly deranged email so I will bring it to a positive close by saying "Thank you Bodyslims". I got to buy my "Red Dress", can't quite believe it's me in the photos.
Two of my sisters are joining me for the January programme, and a couple of choir members.
I wish I had composed this earlier, less all over the place, kept meaning to but .... which category does that put me into? The absent minded professor? I just wanted to get something to you before the site is taken down.
Thank you again for everything. Wishing all of you a very Happy Christmas.
Anne Smith

50.6 lbs