chemicals for weight loss

Do you have the Right Chemicals For Weight Loss?

by Gerard Moran

Sounds like a strange question, right? In fact, you could be forgiven for thinking it was a prelude to selling some new fad diet to go with “the body shape diet” or the “blood type diet”. All, of course, are utter nonsense. No, my friends, this is BodySlims, so just good, worthwhile information here. 

So, what do we mean by having the right chemicals for weight loss? We’re not talking about fat-burning chemicals or artificial chemicals like Ozempic; we’re talking about the chemicals your mind creates to get you to your end result, the goal that pulls you to what you’ve only ever dreamed of. Let us explain. 

Chemicals Cause Feelings, Not Thoughts

You can feel happy, sad, depressed, angry... We could go on and on, but we’re sure you get it. The point is that you don’t think angry or sad; you feel it. Now, it may start with a thought, but the transfer to the emotion will be matched by a release of chemicals specific to that feeling, hence creating the “feeling.”

Good Thoughts Cause Negative Feelings

It’s well documented that certain activities like exercise make us feel a certain way, better, happier. And this is directly related to the chemicals this activity prompts the body to release. However, the thought of exercising may not have the same effect on you. In fact, it may be the direct opposite. Instead of making you feel good, it ends up making you feel bad, and each of these feelings is made up of totally different chemicals. 

So, just thinking about something that will actually make you feel good, makes you feel bad. It would be funny if it were not true and did not have such a detrimental effect on your life. It’s the same with diet, when you think about it: you think I won’t be able to have this, I won’t be able to have that, and I’ll have to eat things I don’t like. How does that make you feel? The truth is most people are dead in the water before they even start trying!

The Weight Loss Chemical Conundrum

Let us just say: this is crucial. Imagine you got to your ideal weight, the same size as you were on your 18th or 21st birthday or your wedding day, whatever time you looked the best you had in your life. Now, how did you feel? Amazing, brilliant, over the moon, we’re going to guess. And that feeling is a specific mix of chemicals, and the reality of the chemical conundrum is this: The same mix of chemicals you feel when you get there (your end goal) are exactly the same chemicals that you need to get yourself there. 

Creating the Right Chemicals for Weight Loss with BodySlims

At BodySlims, we know the effect this chemical equation has on success and failure in the weight loss arena. That's why we’ve built our programme in a way that, from the very start, we get the right chemicals flowing so that instead of dragging you down, they’re lifting you up. 

Gerard has long understood that people understand best when they have experienced these feelings for themselves. So, in the seminars, he doesn’t actually talk about these chemicals until week five. By this time, people can’t believe how good they feel, and it’s at this point that he brings them back through the chemical process and explains at which stage we stimulated the release of what specific chemical and how they, in turn, interact with each other. 

Sign Up to Get the Right Chemicals for Weight Loss Flowing! 

BodySlims is about weight loss, of course, but it’s about many other things too. Learning how to use the chemicals to help you will enable you to end the chemical warfare going on between what you want, what you think and how you feel. 

And most people who do BodySlims LOVE the process; they don’t want it to end. How many weight loss programmes can you say that about? It’s not coincidental that people who previously struggled for success suddenly feel overwhelmingly empowered because we know how to work these chemicals and, more importantly, get them working for you. The BodySlims programme is only 10 weeks of your life; what do you have to lose? Sign up for our next intake today!


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